Golden Foals (3-12 Months)

The main goal of horse breeders is to maximize the growth and development of foals, taking the maximum advantage of the huge investment of time and economic resources devoted to horse breeding, and obtaining the maximum genetic potential out of the group of mares and stallions selected. The development of foals does not only depend on genetics, but also on a proper management of their most crucial period of growth: the first year of life, when foals develop as much as 90% of their total progress.
These stages are so decisive for foal development and genetic leverage that a single deviation from nutrition guidelines or a wrong handling of diets will diminish the capabilities of progress and growth of foals, inevitably affecting their potential development (height, thoracic capacity, bone density, osteoarticular strength, muscular capacity, elasticity and range of movement, etc.). In short, if we do not appropriately handle diets and follow nutrition guidelines, we will be undermining the physical and sporting potential of newborn foals.
With our GOLDEN FOALS (3-12 MONTHS) feed, your foals will obtain maximum genetic potential, together with health, diet and nutrition benefits.
BREASTFEEDING PERIOD: On demand by «filters», together with good quality alfalfa hay. WEANING PROCESS: 6-8 months: 2 kg daily per animal with alfalfa hay on demand. 8-9.5 months: 2.5 kg daily per animal with alfalfa hay on demand. 9.5-12 months: 3 kg daily per animal with alfalfa hay on demand.
Barley, wheat bran, maize**, soya flour*, wheat, sugar cane by-product, calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate, sodium chloride, L-lysine, L-methionine, vitamins and minerals. *Produced from genetically modified soya beans. **From genetically modified maize.